現在のページ:トップページ > 区政情報 > 各種広報媒体・報道資料 > 広報紙 > Minato Monthly > Minato Monthly, 11 2023 > The Current Situation of Children in Need of Social Care and the Foster Parent System | Minato Monthly, 11 2023
There are about 4,000 children in Tokyo who are unable to live with their families due to various circumstances such as child abuse, disease, divorce, and financial reasons.
The foster parent system is a system for children in which they are welcomed into families and brought up with love and understanding. If you are interested in the foster parent system, please feel free to contact the Foster Parent Consultation Dial.
There are various types of foster parents, including “adoptive foster parents” who aim to adopt children, and “foster families” who do not aim to adopt children, but welcome and bring up children in their own homes for a certain period of time.
No special qualifications or experience are required to become a foster parent. Foster parents are paid the necessary fees to nurture the children. Dual income working couples and people who are raising children can become foster parents.
Every October and November is Foster Parents Month. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Minato City hold Foster Family Experience and Presentation.
It enables to hear the experiences of real foster parents, including joys, wonders, difficulties, and struggles of raising children as foster families.
11/23, 2 - 4 p.m.
Doors open from 1:30 p.m.
Libra Hall, Minato Park Shibaura 1F
First 90 people
Call below dial, 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. by 11/16 for reservation.
Sign language interpretation and childcare available for first 5 people with children from 4 months old to pre-school. Please notify when making a reservation.
A mascot has been designed to learn about the foster parent system.
The mascot’s name will be announced at the above presentation.
A panel exhibition will be held to introduce the foster parent system and the lives of foster families.
Everyone is welcome.
Please stop by.
Takanawa Library Until 11/15
Mita Library Until 11/30
Minato City holds information sessions about foster parenting twice a month.
For details, visit the Minato City Web, Child Consultation Center Twitter or call the Foster Parent Consultation Dial.
Foster Parent Consultation Dial, Child Consultation Center
Tel: 03-5962-6505