Resident Support Section Counter Service Hours
Due to the busy relocation season ahead of the new fiscal year, Minato City’s Resident Support Section will offer extended service counter operating hours on the first floor of the Shiba Regional Office every Saturday between 3/30 and 4/6. The counter will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please note that the extension is not applicable to other Regional City Offices.
All Regional City Offices operate until 7 p.m. every Wednesday, except for Daiba annex and for the period between 12/29 and 1/3 and national holidays.
Available services
- Acceptance of moving-in/out and change of address notifications
- Acceptance of personal seal registrations
- Issuance of My Number Cards
* Unavailable on Saturdays
* Pre-reservation required.
- Renewal of electronic certificate on My Number Card
- Issuance of certificates of residence, seal impressions and family registers
Excluding certificate of residence for non-resident and certificate of family register for those whose location of family register are not in Minato City.
- Issuance of certificates of taxation and tax payments
- Payments of residence tax, national health insurance, medical care for senior citizens, and long-term care insurance premiums
- Acceptance of Family Registrations
- Acceptance of applications for Jido-teate, Child allowance
- Acceptance of applications for the Children’s Medical Subsidy
- Acceptance of applications for the Medical Subsidy for High School Students, and others
Services that are unavailable during all extended/ irregular hours
- For the following moving-in notifications, please apply during regular operating hours: moving in from overseas, some My Number related services, domicile setup, and others.
- Family register notifications will be accepted but not processed. Please note that certificates of acceptance may not be issued.
- Services requiring confirmation from other municipalities or relevant institutions will not be available
Applications and paperwork without waiting
Certificate issuance at convenience stores
Obtain various certificates at convenience stores. To use this, My Number card and PIN are required.
Telephone Reservation Service
Those unable to visit the City Hall or Regional City Office during opening hours can make a phone reservation to pick up a copy of certificate of residence or seal registration certificate at night or during holidays.
Minato Call
Tel: 03-5472-3710