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Overview of the FY2024 Initial Budget

Outline of the Budget

Budget with a firm step toward a vibrant and kind Minato City in the post-COVID era

Total Budget

The General Account Budget is ¥184.59 billion, and the total budget for all accounts, including special accounts for health care, and others, is ¥236.83 billion.

Unit: million yen, %

Category FY2024 FY2023 Rate of change
Initial Budget Ratio Initial Budget Ratio Increase/
General Account 184,590 77.9 163,270 76.9 21,320 13.1
National Health Insurance Business Account 26,671 11.3 24,412 11.5 2,259 9.3
Medical Care System for Senior Citizens Account 7,038 3.0 6,467 3.0 571 8.8
Long-Term Care Insurance Account 18,531 7.8 18,081 8.5 450 2.5
Total 236,829 100 212,230 100 24,599 11.6

Priority measures in the FY2024 budget

1. Measures to revitalize the city, support residents’ lives and city industries
¥6,312 million

Measures to realize a vibrant and attractive city

Introducing City own app to make electronic gift certificates even easier to use


Subsidizing fees to assist in preparing business plans and providing subsidies to
cover the costs associated with starting a business


Measures to realize a city where everyone can be active

Providing filming assistance to media and establishing a database of location information


Measures to realize a city where everyone can live healthily and energetically

Holding review meetings that include academic experts, consultation sessions in collaboration with the Minato Regional Industrial Health Center.


Conducting hearing tests for 60, 65, 70, and 75 years old


2. Measures to accelerate the development of a resilient city that continues to the future
¥13,685 million

Measures to realize a clean, beautiful, and comfortable city

Providing guidance through patrols on disruptive behavior such as smoking/conducting sales on the streets

Subsidizing fee for renovation costs to create clean shops that everyone will want to enter

Sorting out the illegally occupied buildings on roads in the city

Measures to realize environmentally friendly communities

Installing water fountains for personal bottles

Measures to realize a safe and secure city

Adding electric stair baggage carriers as an item eligible for disaster prevention material subsidies


Distribute 20 portable toilets per person for new residents, etc.


3. Community-wide measures to support children who lead the future
¥17,489 million

Support for childrearing families and all age of children

Sending via mails and LINE on municipal information related to pregnancy, childbirth, childrearing

Sending catalogs and deliver food products chosen by users to their homes

Support for prenatal/postpartum families and families with infants

Delivering age-suitable picture books chosen by library staff to homes every month at no charge


Support for families with preschoolers

Introducing a service that enables users to order meal box deliveries

Providing regular childcare services for preschoolers at Isaragozaka Nursery and the premises of Minami-azabu 3-Chome Nursery Room

Support for families with elementary and junior high school students

No charge for school meals at municipal elementary and junior high schools from FY2024.

Conducting overseas school trips for all third grade students at municipal junior high schools

Conducting learning and guidance courses for interested students at municipal junior high schools.

Support for high school students and youths

Considering creating a third place of belonging for senior high school students
other than the home and school

Providing opportunities for HIV testing, and raise prevention awareness

4. Measures to overcome social issues and realize a city that everyone can continue to live with comfort
¥5,907 million

Realization of a city where the elderly and people with disabilities can continue to live with peace of mind, with mutual care and support in the community

Assigning dementia support coordinators to each elderly consultation center

Measures to realize a digital society where everyone can enjoy convenience

Enhancing the implementation system for the Digital Utilization Supporter Consultation Service

Realization of a city where everyone can participate in society and be true to themselves

Enhancing three-party call functions to enable foreign residents and others to consult to the city without language barrier

Conducting reviews and trials toward the full-scale implementation of multilayered support systems in FY2025

*All of figures shown are rounded off to the nearest whole number. As adjustments have not been made for fractions, then totals may not correspond to the respective figures.


