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Mayor SEIKE Ai has Announced her City Policy




At the second 2024 regular meeting of the Minato City Assembly, held on 7/16, Mayor Seike announced her City Policy for addressing future city administrations. The full outline of the Policy can be seen on the Minato City web.


The City We Will Strive For

Minato City, a City Resounding with Kindness that Connects to the World

Five Priority Initiatives to be Addressed

  1. The happiest “Child-rearing/Education City” in the World
  2. A “City of Health, Welfare, and Coexistence,” where no one is left behind
  3. A “Real Disaster-Prevention City,” where life is surely protected
  4. A “Leading Sustainable City” for the arts, the environment, and the economy
  5. Reforming City Hall with DX, into a “Trustworthy, Convenient and Open City Hall”


