Updated:March 28, 2024

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Health Care

Japan’s Health Insurance

Japan has a medical insurance system that all citizens are enrolled in.

You will be in trouble if you cannot afford to see a doctor when you are ill or get injured. It is established by law in Japan that all enroll in the public health insurance scheme so that they can receive health care service without anxiety in the event of illness or injury. Foreign nationals who are permitted to stay in Japan for a period of more than three months, and who are registered as foreign residents are also required to enroll in the public health insurance scheme. This system is operated based on the concept of mutual aid. All residents of Japan pay some money for health insurance premiums in accordance with their respective income, so that it can be allocated for use on medical treatment costs incurred by illness or injury. This is an important system that protects your health and life.

About National Health Insurance


Visiting a Hospital

Standard Procedures at a Hospital

  1. At the reception desk, show your health insurance card, explain your medical problem.
  2. You will be given your hospital registration card. Give this card to the departmental receptionist. Normally, you have to wait until your name is called.
  3. Once your name is called, go in to see the doctor and receive examination.
  4. After examination, pay the appropriate fee at the cashier’s counter. Payment should be made in cash.
  5. If the doctor prescribes medication, go to the pharmacy. Submit the prescription written by your doctor to the pharmacy and purchase your medicine.

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