Updated:March 28, 2024

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Medical Facility List


Information provided by the Tokyo Minato-ku Medical Association

Be sure to take your health insurance card with you whenever you go to a medical clinic or facility. It is also a good idea to call the medical clinic in advance to confirm that a doctor is available.


Abbreviations for Hospital Medical Departments

Ane.: Anesthesiology
CoS: Cosmetic Surgery
Cv.: Cardiovascular Medicine
CvS: Cardiovascular Surgery
Den.: Dentistry
Den./OrS.: Dentistry & Oral Surgery
Der.: Dermatology
Der./Uro.: Dermatology & Urology
E.N.T.: Ears, Nose & Throat
Gas.: Gastroenterology
Gyn.: Gynecology
Int.: Internal Medicine
Nes.: Neurosurgery
Neu.: Neurology
Neu-Int.: Neurologic Internal Medicine
Ob.: Obstetrics
Ob./Gyn.: Obstetrics & Gynecology
Oph.: Ophthalmology
Ort.: Orthopedics
Otd.: Orthodontics
PdS.: Pediatrics Surgery
Ped.: Pediatrics
PlS. : Plastic Surgery
Pro.: Proctology
Psy.: Psychiatry
Rad.: Radiology
Reh.: Rehabilitation
Res.: Respiratory
Sur.: Surgery
Tr./Es.: Trachea & Esophagus
Uro.: Urology


General Hospitals in Minato City

This is a list of major English-speaking general hospitals in Minato City. Hospitals designated as emergency hospitals are marked with an asterisk (*). Only the main departments are listed here. Contact the hospital for more information.


赤坂見附 前田病院

Name: Akasaka-mitsuke Maeda Hospital
Address: 1-1-5 Moto-akasaka, Minato City
Tel: 03-3408-1136
Departments: Sur., Ort., Gas., Pro., Oph., Der., Uro., Ane., Neu-Int., Int.


北里大学 北里研究所病院*

Name: Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital
Address: 5-9-1 Shirokane, Minato City
Tel: 03-3444-6161
Departments: Int., Res., Ped., Sur., Ort., PlS., CoS., Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Rad., Reh., Ane., Gas., Cv., Psy., Neu-Int.


国際医療福祉大学三田病院 *

Name: International University of Health and Welfare, Mita Hospital
Address: 1-4-3 Mita, Minato City
Tel: 03-3451-8121
Departments: Int., Ped., Sur., Ort., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Reh., Rad., Ane., Gas., Res., Cv., Neu-Int., Psy., PlS., Nes., Gyn., Uro., Den./OrS.



Name: Sanno Hospital
Address: 8-10-16 Akasaka, Minato City
Tel: 03-3402-3151
Departments: Int., Sur., Ort., Uro., Ped., Ob., Gyn., Oph., Der., E.N.T., Rad., Den., Neu-Int., Cv., Res., Reh., Den./OrS., Otd., Pro., Ane., Nes.


心臓血管研究所付属病院 *

Name: The Cardiovascular Institute
Address: 3-2-19 Nishi-azabu, Minato City
Tel: 03-3408-2151
Departments: Cv., CvS., Rad., Ane.


東京高輪病院 *

Name: Tokyo Takanawa Hospital
Address: 3-10-11 Takanawa, Minato City
Tel: 03-3443-9191
Departments: Int., Ped., Sur., Ort., Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Reh., Rad., Ane., Den./OrS., Cv., Nes., CvS., Res., Gas., Neu-Int., PlS.


東京慈恵会医科大学附属病院 *

Name: The Jikei University Hospital
Address: 3-19-18 Nishi-shimbashi, Minato City
Tel: 03-3433-1111
Departments: Int., Ped., Psy., Sur., Ort., PlS., Nes., CvS., Ob./Gyn., Oph., E.N,T., Der., Uro., Den., Reh., Rad., Ane., Gas., Neu-Int., Res., Cv., Pds., Den./OrS.



Name: The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
Address: 4-6-1 Shirokanedai, Minato City
Tel: 03-3443-8111
Departments: Int., Sur., Rad., Ane.


東京都済生会中央病院 *

Name: Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital
Address: 1-4-17 Mita, Minato City
Tel: 03-3451-8211
Departments: Int., Res., Ped., Sur., Ort., Nes., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Den., Reh., Rad., Ane., Neu-Int., Gas., Cv., Psy., CvS., PlS., Gyn., Den./OrS.


虎の門病院 *

Name: Toranomon Hospital
Address: 2-2-2 Toranomon, Minato City
Tel: 03-3588-1111
Departments: Int., HmI., InfI., End-MetI., Res.,Dig., HepI., Neu., Car., RenI., Rhe., Psy., OncI., CVS., RenS., ResS., DigS., End-MamS., Nes., Ne-VCS., Emd., Ped., Der., Rad., OrS., PIS., OB-Gyn., Uro., Oph., Oto., PnM., Den., Dgn.
Rad., Pat.Dgn., Sur., Lab., PhT., RT.,


愛育病院 *

Name: Aiiku Hospital
Address: 1-16-10 Shibaura, Minato City
Tel: 03-6453-7300
Departments: OB-Gyn., Ped., PeS., GynI./Int., GynS./BrS.,



Name: Furukawabashi Hospital
Address: 2-10-21 Minami-azabu, Minato City
Tel: 03-3453-5011
Departments: Int., DigI., CarI., ResI., Sur., OrDsp.,


Address: 1-2-3 Shirokane, Minato City
Tel: 03-5421-0123
Departments: Reh.


General Hospitals in Surrounding Areas

This is a list of English-speaking general hospitals in the vicinity of Minato City. Only the main departments are listed here. Contact the hospital for more information.


Name: Japanese Red Cross Medical Center
Address: 4-1-22 Hiroo, Shibuya City
Tel: 03-3400-1311
Departments: Int., Res., Gas., Cv., Ped., Psy., Neu-Int., Sur., Ort., Nes., Res., CvS., PdS. Ob., Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Reh., Rad., Ane.



Name: Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital
Address: 2-34-10 Ebisu, Shibuya City
Tel: 03-3444-1181
Departments: Int., Res., Cv., Ped., Neu., Sur., Ort., PlS., CvS., Ob./Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Rad., Gas., Neu-Int., Reh., Den./OrS.



Name: NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Address: 5-9-22 Higashi-gotanda, Shinagawa City
Tel: 03-3448-6111
Departments: Int., Res., Ped., Psy., Sur., Ort., Nes., CvS., Ob./Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Reh., Rad., Ane., Cv., Gas., Neu-Int., Den./OrS., Neu.



Name: St. Luke’s International Hospital
Address: 9-1 Akashicho, Chuo City
Tel: 03-3541-5151
Departments: Int., Res., Gas., Cv., Ped., Psy., Neu-Int., Sur., Ort., Nes., CvS., PdS., Ob./Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Tr./Es., Der., Uro., Rad., Ane., PlS., Den./OrS.



Name: Keio University Hospital
Address: 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku City
Tel: 03-3353-1211
Departments: Int., Gas., Ped., Psy., Neu-Int., Sur., Ort., PlS., Nes., Ob., Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Reh., Rad., Ane., Cv., CvS., Res., PdS., Neu., Den./OrS.


Name: Kosei Chuo General Hospital
Address: 1-11-7 Mita, Meguro City
Tel: 03-3713-2141
Departments: Int., Gas., Cv., Ped., Psy., Sur., Ort., Nes., Ob./Gyn., Oph., E.N.T., Der., Uro., Reh., Rad., Ane., Neu-Int., Res.


Health Care Consultations

Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Facility Information Service “Himawari”

This service responds to inquiries regarding medical facilities that offer foreign language health care services and the Japanese health care system in general. The service is free of charge. The staff are ready to respond in English, Chinese, Korean, Thai, and Spanish.
Hours: Daily, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Inquiries: Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Information Center
Tel: 03-5285-8181

Website: (English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), and Korean)( External link )


AMDA International Medical Information Center

The AMDA International Medical Information Center provides information on medical institutions that speak your language and medical welfare services in several languages.

Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
English:Mon. to Fri.
Spanish: Wed.
Portuguese: Fri.
Filipino: Mon.
Vietnamese: Sat./Fri.

Inquiries: AMDA International Medical Information Center
Tel: 03-6233-9266


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