現在のページ:トップページ > 区政情報 > 広聴 > パブリックコメント(施策・計画に対するご意見) > ご意見募集を終了した案件 > 港区国際化推進プラン令和5年度改定版(素案)についてのご意見募集(募集結果の公表)
Thank you for your valuable opinions on the Minato City Internationalization Master Plan-Draft.
Based on the opinions, we have decided to revise the Minato City Internationalization Master Plan for the latter 3 years from fiscal year 2024 to fiscal year 2026.
With the participation and collaboration of the residents, Minato City will steadily execute the plan.
The recruitment period has ended.Thank you for your opinions.
The Minato City Internationalization Master Plan was drafted as a specific plan to show the concrete measures for further advancing internationalization in Minato City. It was revised together with the Minato City Basic plan.
We would like to introduce the completed draft of the Minato City Internationalization Master Plan, and we welcome the opinions of Minato City residents.
Your support is greatly appreciated. The details are provided below.
The outline can be viewed in PDF format through the links below.The plan is available in PDF format through the links below. It is also available for browsing at the Global Community Planning Subsection and the Material Room located on the 3rd floor of Minato City Hall, Information Counter on the 1st floor of the City Hall, General Administration Section of each Regional City Office and Minato City Libraries (excluding Minato Library,Takanawa Library sub-office).
・The Minato City Internationalization Master Plan–Draft.” (Outline)” (English)(PDF:315KB)
The outline can be viewed in PDF format through the links below.The plan is available in PDF format through the links below. It is also available for browsing at the Global Community Planning Subsection and the Material Room located on the 3rd floor of Minato City Hall, Information Counter on the 1st floor of the City Hall, General Administration Section of each Regional City Office and Minato City Libraries (excluding Minato Library,Takanawa Library sub-office).
・The Minato City Internationalization Master Plan–Draft.” (English)(PDF:2,555KB)
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