Updated:March 28, 2024

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Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance

The long-term care insurance system covers the costs of nursing care, which are rising as a result of the aging of Japanese society. This insurance divides the burden throughout the entire society. With this system, the nursing care of seniors can be supported by the entire society, in addition to the support by individual families.


Who must Subscribe to Long-Term Care Insurance?

Foreign nationals aged 40 and older who are staying in Japan for longer than three months are required to enroll in long-term care insurance. The conditions to use the services vary depending on the age of the insured.

(1) Category 1 insured persons (Individuals aged 65 and older)

Individuals who need constant nursing care or who need support with the activities of daily life, such as household chores and getting dressed, are entitled to receive nursing care services.

Premiums: Vary depending on the income.

Premium payment method: For individuals who are receiving a pension for the elderly, Retirement Pension a survivor’s pension, or a disability pension of ¥180,000/year or more, the premiums are automatically withheld from the pensions. Others should pay their premiums to Minato City via bank transfer or payment slip.

(2) Category 2 insured persons (Individuals aged 40-64, who are subscribed to medical insurance)

Individuals who need nursing care or assistance due to any of 16 types of diseases associated with old age that have been identified by the national government, such as presenile dementia and cerebrovascular disease, are entitled to receive nursing care services.

Premiums: Vary depending on the medical insurance that the person subscribes.

Premium payment method: The premiums should be paid together with the premiums for medical insurance (health insurance or National Health Insurance (NHI)).


Reductions and Exemptions of the Long-Term Care Insurance Premiums

If you are facing financial difficulties resulting from a disaster, illness, or unemployment, and are facing temporary problems in paying your long-term care insurance premiums, consult with Minato City regarding reduction or exemption of the premiums.

Inquiries: Long-term Care Insurance Premium Subsection, Long-Term Care Insurance Section

Tel: 03-3578-2891 to 2897


Certification of the Need for Nursing Care

To take advantage of nursing care services, apply to Minato City to be “approved for long-term care.” After accepting the application, Minato City investigates if the person who wishes to use the nursing care services is “requiring nursing care or support.” If he/she is authorized as requiring nursing care or support as a result of the investigation, he/she is allowed to use the nursing care services. To ensure fairness, applications for long-term care are processed using uniform standards nationwide.

Application forms can be obtained from each Regional City Office or the Senior Citizens Consultation Centers (Community Support Service Centers). They can also be downloaded from Minato City Website. Minato City accepts applications sent by postal mail.

In addition to the applicant himself/herself and his/her family members, home nursing care support service providers and nursing care insurance facilities designated by the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare can apply on behalf of the applicant.

Inquiries: Long-Term Care Eligibility Determination Subsection, Long-Term Care Insurance Section

Tel: 03-3578-2885


To Use the Nursing Care Services

  • Depending on how much the insured needs nursing care, he/she will be certified as “requiring nursing care”or“requiring support”(for prevention of need for long-term care).
  • The approval for long-term care is divided into five levels (need-for-care levels 1 to 5). For a person approved for long-term care (need-for-care levels 1 to 5), as a general rule, a care manager at a home nursing care support service provider drafts a home services plan.
  • The approval for requiring support is divided into two levels (need-for-support levels 1 to 2). For a person approved as requiring support, Senior Citizens Consultation Center (Community Support Service Center) drafts a long-term care prevention services plan.
  • The insured uses the care services based on the developed long-term care insurance service plan. When receiving long-term care insurance services, the insured is responsible for paying between 10% and 30% of the costs.

Inquiries: Long-Term Care Insurance Benefits Subsection, Long-Term Care Insurance Section

Tel: 03-3578-2876


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