Updated:March 28, 2024

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Notification of Pregnancy

Once your pregnancy is confirmed by a doctor, Submit a notification of pregnancy to your local regional city office. At this time, you will be given a Maternal and Child Health Handbook, a Maternal and Child Health Bag, and a file.

Items in the bag and file

  1. Information on maternity classes
  2. Information on parenting classes
  3. Pregnancy health checkup-forms
  4. A Newborn hearing screening checkup-form


Pregnancy health checkups

Receive pregnancy health checkups for health management during pregnancy and ensuring safe pregnancy and childbirth. If you present pregnancy health checkup-forms to a designated medical institutions in the Tokyo metropolitan area and receives pregnancy health checkups, you can receive a partial subsidy for the checkup expenses.

If hospitalization is required during pregnancy due to pregnancy-induced hypertension or other reasons, a subsidy for the medical treatment costs is available. (Income restrictions apply if the hospitalized period is less than 26 days.)

*Apply for a medical treatment cost subsidy within three months of discharge from the hospital.


Inquiries on Issuance of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook

Inquiries: Health and Welfare Subsection, Residents Support Section, each Regional City Office



Inquiries on Pregnancy Health Checkup-form

Inquiries: Public Healthcare Subsection, Health Promotion Section 

Tel: 03-6400-0084


Maternity Classes and Parenting Classes

Minato City offers maternity classes and parenting classes in which the participants can learn a wide range of knowledge and information about pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing.

Intended audience: Expectant mothers, and their partners.

Inquiries: Public Healthcare Subsection, Health Promotion Section

Tel: 03-6400-0084


Newborn Hearing Screening

A newborn hearing screening is a test to check for hearing disability in newborns. The newborn hearing screening checkup-form is included in the Maternal and Child Health Bag. If you use the newborn hearing screening checkup-form at a designated medical institution in Tokyo within 50 days of your baby's birth, you can receive a partial subsidy for the expense. The test is done while the baby is asleep.

Inquiries: Public Healthcare Subsection, Health Promotion Section

Tel: 03-6400-0084


When an Expectant Mother Receives Checkups at a Medical Institution Outside Tokyo or at a Maternity Center in/outside Tokyo

The pregnancy health checkup-forms and the newborn hearing screening checkup-form may only be used at designated medical institutions in Tokyo. When you receive checkups at a medical institution outside Tokyo or at a maternity center (in or outside Tokyo), you can receive a partial subsidy for the checkup expenses. For details, see the information and the application form provided along with your Maternal and Child Health Handbook.

Inquiries: Public Healthcare Subsection, Health Promotion Section

Tel: 03-6400-0084

Health and Welfare Subsection, Residents Support Section, each Regional City Office



Assistance with Childbirth

It is a system to provide support for childbirth at designated hospitals to expectant mothers who cannot be hospitalized for childbirth for financial reasons.

Inquiries: Family Counseling Subsection, Children and Families Support Center

Tel: 03-5962-7214


Subsidy for Childbirth Expenses

If your childbirth expenses exceed the lump-sum childbirth allowance paid by your health insurance, Minato City will subsidize the difference between the childbirth expenses (Subject to a maximum limit) and the lump-sum childbirth allowance.

*Apply within a year of the child’s day of birth.
*There are no restrictions by income tax.

Intended audience: The subsidy is paid when all of the following conditions are true:

  1. The baby’s guardian is covered by public medical insurance.
  2. The guardian has lived in Minato City prior to the date of childbirth and continues to live in Minato City for at least one year as of the date of application.
  3. The baby is registered as resident of Minato City from the day of birth.

Inquiries: Health and Welfare Subsection, Residents Support Section, each Regional City Office


Children’s Benefits Subsection, Child and Family Section 

Tel: 03-3578-2433

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