Updated:March 28, 2024

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To the Drivers

The first thing to do after getting into a car is to ensure that everyone in every seat fastens the seatbelt

It is dangerous not to fasten the seatbelt even in the back seat

If you do not fasten your seatbelt, you will be in danger of being thrown out of the car.

Those who do not fasten their seatbelt are also in danger of hitting each other in an accident.


Do Not Drink and Drive and Do Not Let Anyone Drink and Drive

Drinking and driving is a criminal offense

Driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence of alcohol will be severely punished.

Thoroughly observe “Do not drive when you drink or have a hangover.”

Those who provide alcohol, as well as fellow passengers, will also be punished

In addition to the person who committed the drinking and driving offense, those who provided alcohol, as well as fellow passengers in the car, will also be subjected to criminal punishment.


Inquiries: Traffic Affairs Subsection, Community Transportation Section

Tel: 03-3578-2262

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