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Updated:March 28, 2024

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A training system has been established for malicious/dangerous bicycle riders

The Revised Road Traffic Law pertaining to bicycles went into effect on June 1, 2015.
A malicious/dangerous rider who has been cited for "malicious/dangerous acts" while riding a bicycle two times or more within three years must enroll in a safety training session.


Applicable "Malicious/Dangerous Acts"

  1. Ignoring a traffic light
  2. Violation of the prohibition of passage
  3. Violation of slow riding on a pedestrian sidewalk
  4. Violation of the distinction of passage
  5. Interfering with a pedestrian’s passage on a side strip
  6. Entering a railroad crossing when crossing bars are lowered
  7. Breach of the obligation to ride safely by interfering with the right-of-the-way of a car at an intersection, etc.
  8. Interfering with the right-of-the-way of a car making a right turn at an intersection, etc.
  9. Breach of the obligation to ride safely at a roundabout
  10. Violation of not stopping at designated places
  11. Interfering with pedestrians on a sidewalk
  12. Riding a bicycle with a defective brake system
  13. Drinking and riding
  14. Breach of the obligation to ride safely by using a mobile phone, etc.
  15. Dangerous behavior such as obstructive driving (tailgating)


There are criminal penalties for dangerous bicycle riding

  • Drinking and riding
    Imprisonment of up to five years or a fine of up to ¥1,000,000 (In the case of intoxicated riding)
  • Riding on the right-hand side
    Imprisonment of up to three months or a fine of up to ¥50,000
  • Riding with an open umbrella or carrying an article
    A fine of up to ¥50,000
  • Riding while talking on a mobile phone or looking at a screen
    A fine of up to ¥50,000


Inquiries: Traffic Affairs Subsection, Community Transportation Section

Tel: 03-3578-2262

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